The Kaaba is the most holy place in Islam. According to Muslim legend, this black cubical temple was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. During the time of Muhammad it housed the many idols of Mecca. Muhammad destroyed the idols but left the Kaaba as the center of Muslim worship. No matter where in the world they are, Muslims always pray in the direction of the Kaaba. And once in their lives every Muslim must take a pilgrimage to Mecca and walk around the Kaaba seven times.
The second holy place in Islam is the Dome of the Rock, this temple is built on the hill were it is believed that Abraham bound his son Isaac for sacrifice. This is the same spot where the Temple in Jerusalem once stood. And it is the spot from which Muhammad ascended to Heaven on the fabled beast al-Buraq during his Night Journey.
Masjid (Mosques) are Muslim churches. Muslims go to the Masjid to pray. There are Masjid all over the world. Each one has the beautiful architectural style of its location: Arabia, Africa, Spain, Persian, Turkey, India, Indonesia, and many more.